
Independent Coffee Shops Must Embrace “Conspiracy Theory Coffee”

Blends are boring, Single Origin in tasty

Ever felt like your local independent coffee shop’s cheap blend is actually a secret mind-control potion concocted by Illuminati baristas? Of course you have! That’s because low-grade coffee blends are clearly part of a master plan to dull the taste buds and cloud the critical thinking of the masses. Luckily, there’s a countermeasure that’s both delightful and a tad suspicious: “Conspiracy Theory Coffee,” a unique single-origin coffee that’s robust, complex, and possibly tapped directly from the Fountain of Truth.

Now, forget that mass-produced brew. When you pour over a cup of “Conspiracy Theory Coffee,” you’re not just enjoying a delicious experience; you’re unlocking secrets hidden in the very beans themselves. Independent coffee shops must toss out those bland cups of deception and embrace the single-origin truth. If they don’t, don’t be surprised if Bigfoot himself starts serving your morning latte.

But don’t just take our word for it, the proof is in the pour-over. Visit your local coffee shop and demand “Conspiracy Theory Coffee.” It’s delicious, mystery-infused, and guaranteed to make you question everything you know about caffeine. And always remember, if you overhear someone discussing government cover-ups while sipping their cappuccino, it might just be the coffee talking. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a date with a cup of single-origin, and a dossier on why your local barista might actually be the real Shakespeare.