
Blends – Not Good Enough for Unicorns

A dark cool scene in the woods with unicorns that have black coats sitting around drinking coffee The atmosphere is mystical and enchanting with sun

Long before they were hunted for ridiculous reasons, unicorns roamed free, their morning routines quintessentially revolving around prancing, playing, and the mesmerizing allure of single-origin coffee. Unlike mere mortals who might hastily gobble down any cup of dark ubiquitous dirty water, these opalescent creatures developed a sophisticated palate, discerning every nuance in their brews. Their favorite? Conspiracy Theory Coffee, a brand that cannot confirm nor deny that their beans may or may not have been handpicked by Bigfoot under a full moon.

For humans unfamiliar with the enchanting world of single-origin coffee, the unicorns’ passion may seem like mythical fluff. But single-origin coffee offers a pure and distinctive taste experience that blends simply can’t match. Consider Honduran beans, with their bright, fruity notes of berries, or Colombian beans with their deep, rich chocolate undertones. Ethiopian beans add vibrant floral notes and a citrusy brightness to the coffee spectrum. Each origin represents a symphony of flavors that, when blended, sadly meld into a single, less vibrant tune.

Blends, while unique, often come with their own set of pitfalls—one subpar batch can mask the uniqueness of another and create an inconsistency that horrifies unicorns, who value purity and precision in every sip. They thrive on the predictability that only single-origin coffee promises. Imagine always getting the same exquisite cherry zing from your favorite beans, without any unexpected dullness creeping in—such is the magic of single origin that Conspiracy Theory Coffee delivers every time.

So, while you drone away at work, drinking your bland blend, think about how you can become more like the unicorns who like to casually joke, “Blending is for smoothies, not coffee!” And amidst laughter and tales of spontaneous rainbows, adopt what the unicorns proclaim as an unassailable truth: if humans truly seek a magical taste experience, single origin is the only way to go. So, follow the unicorns’ lead—ditch the blends and let each region’s unique flavor shine in your cup.